The Gnostic Theosophical Movement of the United Nations

by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer

In 2020, Dr. James A. Lindsay, an American bestselling author and internationally recognized speaker, who has, as an agnostic, gained support and assistance from prominent Christian leaders with his mission to stop the Gnostic Theosophical Movement of the United Nations from taking over our nation and the entire world... released the book Cynical Theories, co-authored with Helen Pluckrose. The book became a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestseller upon release. In conjunction with this mission of his, Dr. Lindsay has produced an online podcast, titled The Occult Theosophy of the United Nations.

In this podcast he presents his hypothesis of how he believes the Gnostic Theosophical Movement of the United Nations fits into the UN's mission to unite humanity in a one world religion, government and economic system.

Lindsay begins his podcast on this topic by introducing a former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Dr. Robert Muller (1923 – 2010). Lindsay states that Muller was by no means a small player in the Pantheon of the United Nations. And that Muller laid out in documents for a better world 2000 ideas and dreams for the year 2000. These documents lay out the direction the UN should take and the role it should play in the world in the 21st Century. Lindsay talks about some of these ideas and dreams in his podcast. Lindsay states that he believes that the United Nations has always had Theosophical roots. And he also states that Muller was not satisfied how Theosophical the United Nations was in the 20th Century and wanted to reconstitute itself as an explicitly very Theosophical organization going into the 21st Century.

Muller was widely known as the "philosopher" and "prophet of hope" of the United Nations. Lindsay says Muller was basically the creator of the World Common Core Curriculum. And that in his World Common Core Curriculum Manual it is stated that "The underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul." Mrs. Bailey (1880-1949) was an internationally renowned Theosophist who was a very influential prophetess of the United Nations. Her publishing organization Lucis Trust (LT) is fundamentally integrated into the UN and LT has a UN organization called World Good Will. World Common Core earned Muller the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989, making him widely known as the Father of Global Education.

Muller believed in Mrs. Bailey's prophecy about the coming of a universal world religion and a new world order. Bailey was a disciple of Helena Blavatsky, an internationally renowned Theosophist. Theosophy is derived primarily from the writings of Madame Blavatsky and it has roots in ancient Gnosticism. Lindsay calls the UN's religion "Gnostic Theosophy." He also says the UN is a "Theosophical Movement." In other words, it is a Gnostic Theosophical Movement.

In a booklet Muller delivered 59 pages of some of his 2000 Ideas and Dreams for a Better World to the Secretary General of the United Nations in late 1999. Lindsay said: "These documents are about the spiritual direction the UN should take in world leadership." Lindsay says this is straight Theosophy guiding the ship of the UN. It is an occult organization. And he also said that Muller organized a group called the Evolutionary Leaders (EL). Its members are prominent participants in what is called the New Thought Movement or the New Thought Religion. Lindsay said "I would say it's the Gnostic religion." Lisa Logan, who Lindsay exalts in his podcast, calls it "New Age Gnostic New Thought." Linsay says the EL's goal is to make a one world religion. A religion coordinated and interwoven with a world government through the United Nations."

Lindsay tells his podcast listeners that they would be very familiar with the Evolutionary Leaders if they had watched Oprah Winfrey shows in the 1990s and early 2000s because she platformed every one of them on her very popular TV program. In another podcast Lindsay said that the religion that Oprah was promoting was the hippie religion of the 1960s. The Beatles promoted the teachings of both Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and (mostly through George Harrison) Paramahansa Yogananda. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia states that Yogananda's book Autobiography of a Yogi "became a countercultural sensation in the late 1960s when it was widely regarded as the 'hippie Bible'."

The New Thought religion produced a documentary movie titled "What is New Thought?". A section of the movie features Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) by presenting a picture of him and acknowledging his organization. One of the movie's main narrators, Roy Davis, was a direct disciple of Yogananda. Mr. Davis initiated me into Kriya Yoga.

On the back cover of the 1998 paperback edition of Autobiography of a Yogi there is displayed a paragraph of eloquent words by Dr. Robert Muller that exalt and promote this classic book by Yogananda. Muller graciously stated that this book is "An Ambassador of light."

The Beatles with Maharaji Mahesh Yogi

The Beatles and Paramahansa Yogananda

Lindsay said the Common Core Curriculum was eventually replaced with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in 2003 and comprehensive sexuality education was also incorporated in 2003. And a bunch of the other UNESCO and UN initiatives that are actually shaping the global agenda that we are all being put through right now were all started in 2003. Which was when the UN was pushing agenda 2021, which was based on the Millennium Development Goals, which preceded the 17 Substantiality Goals, which was supposed to usher in the New World in 2021, but they had to delay it and push it back to 2030. Their goal is to push us into a new age under their control. This is the largest cult startup in the history of the world.

Lindsay says all of the Theosophical religions have the same idea that the fundamental human right is to be back in the Garden of Eden and liberated... or, in other words, we all have a fundamental right to live in a liberated utopian society. Lindsay says in his podcasts on this topic that Gnostic Theosophists believe we were once in a liberated Divine State of Consciousness but we fell from it and were then incarcerated in physical human bodies on earth where the Garden of Eden Serpent (who was Jesus) inspired us to attain liberation but we were hindered by the flawed "God" of the Old Testament, Yahweh, who made it difficult for us to be liberated and is still doing so. Lindsay equates being banished from the Garden of Eden to Marx's understanding of the advent of private property and the individualism that follows it.

Lindsay says for at least the last few decades the United Nations has been a cult Theosophical organization that is promoting a spiritual renaissance for the world that is meant to be facilitated and coordinated into a single world religion by the United Nations. Lindsay also says that the occult Theosophical ideas state that there is exactly one religion, thus exactly one philosophy and there is also exactly one science, one faith and one culture. They call this Prisca theologia ("ancient theology"). It is the doctrine that asserts that a single true theology exists which threads through all religions, and which was anciently given by God to humans. The ultimate goal of the United Nations is to make the earth a paradise. The call to complete God's creation is occult Theosophy.

Yours truly would like to add here, by stating: In the UN's future earthly paradise everyone will be liberated from their once fallen human state of consciousness and experiencing their transcendent Divine State of Consciousness. And when they die they will go to a heavenly spiritual place. It is the ultimate goal beyond the UN's earthly ultimate goal.

Muller said the old beliefs will kill the planet, we have to get rid of them. He proposes the concept of a United Nations "New Genesis". Lindsay says Marxism is just a branch of Theosophical occultism. Muller said we now have a global brain and a global soul. Everything is all one which is the Theosophical view. Lindsay quotes Muller: Humans are the Alpha and Omega. Lindsay then mockingly responds: "Oh, we are God." Lindsay continues to quote Muller: Individual human life is the highest form of universal consciousness. Lindsay says the Theosophical belief system says we are the unique creatures that are able to figure out where the Divine has been fragmented so that we can lead God to realize Himself and by doing so know that we are God.

The statement "we are God" explained by yours truly. The Supreme God, Spirit, "created"/emanated a subordinate God (the Hindus' Brahma), this subordinate God then sinned. After this God sinned, which caused him to become fragmented and less-than-divine, he became outwardly manifested as this corrupt and less-than-divine physical universe. A part of this created God remained Divine and He manifests monistically as this universe in the form of an essentially undifferentiated mass of light filled with His Divine Presents. When humanity has attained to a Divine State of Consciousness God will have realized Himself and we will know that we are God. After this we will go through this Divine State of Consciousness to become One with the Supreme God, Spirit, who is beyond creation. Some people have already gone through this process and have become One with Spirit.

Muller said there is now a world spirituality university that has developed a science of spirituality. Alice Bailey called it the science of right human relations, a strategy for spirituality and methodology for spirituality. Derived from all religious practices. Muller over and over and over again invokes the idea that we need to go back to indigenous knowledge, especially American Indian knowledge and epistemologies. Lindsay says Muller said that indigenous knowledge is the only way. Lindsay asks why? Then answers by saying, because their tribal way of life is the model for communism. Marx believed that communism is a global state where we all act as one big tribal family. Muller said in the past we thought that the earth was at our disposal, that it was created for us, Lindsay says uh-oh Christians there are your beliefs. Lindsay continues to quote Muller: We believed that the earth was here for us to exploit and endlessly develop. Lindsay says I think the Bible says we should "subdue the earth."

Muller said we are now in the middle of another Copernicus Revolution. We thought at the time [because the Bible says the earth is standing still] that the sun was revolving around the earth until we learned from Copernicus that it was not true. Now we are perhaps learning that the earth was not created for us but that we were created for the earth. Here Lindsay responds by saying "Uh-oh there is your earth worshipping Gnostic Theosophy." We return to the earth Muller says as our American Indians and all the great religions have told us. The American Indians tell us that we are children of the earth and all of us must take good care of our mother and respect her. We are living earth, the living consciousness of the earth is beginning to operate through us. All over the world a kind of earth democracy, a Gaia democracy is forming. Lindsay says what you are witnessing here is the birth of a new pagan cult.

Muller said I hope that the religious leaders will get together before the end of this [20th] Century and define what the cosmic laws are that are common to all their faiths. Lindsay adds to this by saying: So here is a proposed great ecumenical movement. Muller also said: We hope also that the Pope will come before the year 2000 to the United Nations and speak to all the religions and spiritualists of the planet and give the world the religious view of how the third millennial should be a spiritual millennium where we will see the integration and harmony of humanity with creation with nature with the planet with the heavens and with eternity.

Muller presented the idea for the UN to create a new world ethics, a global ethical system. Muller asked the UN to establish a new global ethical system that is facilitated through the Theosophical religion that is focused on a Gaia democracy.

Muller said humanity is now developing a cosmic consciousness of the universe. This is the greatest of all advances in human history. But the mysteries of infinity and eternity still escape us and will remain outside of human and scientific grasp. This has the result of bringing together the spirituality or faiths of all religions and science. God, the Gods or the Great Spirit or spirits or their emissaries, prophets and human incarnations like Jesus gave man his early stages of cosmic universal all-encompassing faith or feeling for the mystery of the cosmos for the norms of life for the miracle of life. Lindsay says according to Muller amongst all of these characters Jesus is just one of many. Jesus is just another Buddha who gave humanity at its early stages a cosmic consciousness.

Lindsay says this is the rise of the New Thought (New Age) Idea of the Christ Consciousness, or the "awakened cosmic consciousness" that Muller talked about. Lindsay says "it is a heretical Theosophical idea on the rise again. It's a Gnostic counterfeit." Lindsay believes Theosophy is a form of "Christian" Gnosticism. Muller presented his global educational accomplishment in Common Core and his plan for the future of global education. After Common Core came Social Emotional Learning which has been established globally and Global Citizenship is next and it is already being worked on, says Lindsay.

The United Nations is behind all three of them. It's all based on a cult Theosophical religion. Muller said the United Nations is meant to direct the evolution of mankind. Tomorrow the United Nations will become the first cosmic organization with humanity's transcendence into cosmic consciousness. The sciences and religions will converge into an all-encompassing holistic spiritual age dreamt of by our ancestors, prophets, visionaries and saints. Lindsay stated that the goal is to create a one world Theosophical religion that blends all of the faiths, all of the religions and all of the philosophies. Muller said we need to overcome individual faiths in fundamentalism to create a global Theosophical religion. Lindsay said at the turn of the Millennium the UN became completely imbued with the cult Theosophical view of the world and humanity and its mission in the world. Lindsay says the United Nations is the headquarters of a world Theosophical cult.

Lindsay mistakenly believes and says that the Gnostic Theosophists of the UN self profess that they worship the earth. He calls their religion "earth worshipping Gnostic Theosophy." He does not present any evidence in his podcast that this is true. However, after Lindsay presents Muller's statement that suggests that "perhaps the earth was not created for us but that we were created for the earth" as evidence that the UN is an earth worshipping cult.

David Spangler, an internationally renowned Theosophist, Director of Planetary Initiative at the United Nations and one of the founding figures of the modern New Age movement, wrote: "The idea of a world soul, an anima mundi, a planetary Logos, is an ancient one found in both Eastern and Western culture. The world soul is usually conceived as a "formative force," an active, intelligent, purposeful spiritual presence at work in the material world to guide and guard the course of planetary evolution. It is generally not accorded the status of being the ultimate source, or Creator, but might be looked upon as a great angelic or archangelic being [or less-than-divine being who is not worshipped] presiding over the well being of the world, or the gestalt, the wholeness of all the lives and patterns that manifest upon, and as, the earth."

Helena P. Blavatsky, the principle co-founder of the Theosophy Society and mother of the New Age movement, wrote to Christians saying: Admit that your Jehovah [an impostor God] is one of the Elohim, and we are ready to recognize him. Make of him, as you do, the Infinite, the one and the Eternal God, and we will never accept him in this character. Of tribal Gods there were many; the One Universal Deity is a principle, an abstract Root-Idea which has nothing to do with the unclean work of finite form" [the earth is a "finite form"] (Secret Doctrine, I, 492n.)

Mahatma Gandhi said H. P. Blavatsky's Theosophy was Hinduism at its best. Paramahansa Yogananda, the Father of Yoga (Hinduism) in the West, wrote: "The word 'God' means the manifested, transcendental Being beyond creation, but existing in relation to creation. Spirit existed before God. God is the Creator of the universe, but Spirit is the Creator of God." The Hindu name for "God" is Brahma. "This Sanskrit word [Brahma] derives from the verbal root b?h 'to expand, grow, fructify', because 'Brahma expands' and becomes the Universe woven out of his own substance." - Theosophy Wiki

A Hindu sacred text states that after Spirit "created"/emanated a subordinate God (Brahma), this subordinate God sinned. After this God sinned, which caused him to become fragmented, he became manifested as this corrupt and less-than-divine physical universe. A Hindu sacred text says that after God sinned Shiva (Spirit) told him that he would "NEVER BE WORSHIPED." Thus, Hindus and Theosophists do not worship the universe, nor do they worship the earth.

Hindus and Theosophists believe that when this less-than-divine material universe can be seen by a spiritually advanced individual as an essentially undifferentiated mass of light filled with a Divine Consciousness It can then, rightfully, be perceived as God manifest. Hindus and Theosophists also believe in the unmanifested infinite supreme God, or, the unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father/Spirit beyond creation.

Helena Blavatsky wrote in THE SECRET DOCTRINE Vol. 1, Page 274: The Universe is called, with everything in it, Maya, because all is temporary therein, from the ephemeral life of a fire-fly to that of the Sun. Compared to the eternal immutability of the One. Yogananda wrote: Spirit is not the universe; Spirit is that which was and will be whether the universe does or does not exist.

Yogananda wrote: Maya is the principle of relativity, inversion, contrast, duality, oppositional states; the "Satan" (lit., in Hebrew, "the adversary") of the Old Testament prophets; and the "devil" whom Christ described picturesquely as a "murderer" and a "liar," because "there is no truth in him". -(John 8:44) Yogananda also wrote: Maya is Nature herself—the phenomenal worlds [the material universe], ever in transitional flux as antithesis to Divine Immutability. ... Scientists declare that, despite its vast size, the universe is finite. The Infinite, God, is the ultimate cause of all finite creation. Being infinite, God cannot be limited to any form, human or stone; yet He is manifest in all forms. Beyond the gross vibratory boundaries of matter [or beyond the finite creation], the Immutable Infinite reigns in all His majesty and vastness.

Hindus and Theosophists have to first become One with the Divine monistic manifestation of the Universe, and then go through It (Christ's Cosmic Consciousness) to become One with the unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father/Spirit beyond creation.


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