Woke: Gnostic Communist Globalism Vs U.S. Christian Nationalism

                                                                                  By Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer

In a OnePeterFive article by Michael J.B. titled "From Gnosticism to Marxism: The Spirit Of Antichrist In Movement" there is a statement by Mr. J.B. that reads: “The Marxists put an emphasis on the material, but as we can see the system has hidden spiritual foundations,...” In other words, global communism has hidden Gnostic spiritual foundations. Today, we are witnessing a Gnostic communist globalization movement, promoted by the woke revolution.

From its founding America has been a nation where most of its citizens have worshiped and served the God of Israel, Yahweh, the Old Testament God, the Creator of the Universe. Scientists and Gnostics inform us that nature was corrupt from its origin and not "very good" as Yahweh said it was in Genesis. Gnostics believe people are Spirit (the true God) and that Yahweh is a false god who created this corrupt universe and that this world is a prison where we are being oppressed by Yahweh who does not want us to know and experience our true Identity.

The serpent in the Bible’s mythical “Garden of Eden” scripture story [told the truth] when he said: "If you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall be as God [or realize you are God].” This belief that "man is God" is a Gnostic (neo-Marxist) Communist belief. It is not only a Gnostic communist belief, it is also a Jewish Kabbalah, Hermetic, Hindu/Buddhist and New Age Theosophical belief.

The word Gnosticism in this article represents a syncretistic synthesis of these religions. This Gnostic religion can also be called New Age Theosophy. New Age Theosophists, like the original Gnostic "Christians" of the first and second centuries, also believe that the serpent [told the truth] in the mythical Garden of Eden when it said "you shall be as God." Helena Blavatsky was the primary founder of Theosophy and is the Mother of the New Age movement.

At the 2022, annual National Conservatism Conference a Jewish philosopher, Yoram Hazony, addressed the conference and said: The basic framework that guides public life [in America] shifted [in 2020] from “liberalism,” that reigned since World War II, to “woke neo-Marxism,..." “[The US] was a Christian nation historically and according to its laws, and it's going to be a Christian nation again. It's going to be a biblical nation.” A Lifesite News article about this Conference and Yoram Hazony in particular is titled "Jewish Philosopher: The Only Force ‘Strong Enough’ To Stop Woke ‘Neo-Marxism’ is ‘Christianity'."

In 2020, James A. Lindsay, a promoter of (soft) Christian nationalism, as his (conservative, but not-Christian) means to stop “Gnostic Communism” (his words) from taking over our nation and the entire world... released the book Cynical Theories, co-authored with Helen Pluckrose. The book became a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestseller upon release. Lindsay is the founder of the website New Discourses, which is owned by Christian nationalist commentator Michael O'Fallon. Lindsay was recently on a Glen Beck podcast where he helped the nationally renowned commentator promote his Christian nationalist propaganda.

In a New Discourse podcast titled "Gnosticism in the Modern West" Mr. Lindsay states that: (1.) Marxism is a derivative of Gnosticism and Hermeticism deolicticically combined as one religion. (2.) Woke is a derivative of Marxism. (3.) The woke derivative of Marxism is a gnostic phenomena that advances the esoteric religion known as New Age Theosophy, a religion that fits into a broad definition of Gnosticism. (4.) This religion is the hippie New Age religion of the 1960s now manifesting as the woke revolution and (5.) It is a religion that Oprah Winfrey has promoted.

I am a hippie from the 1960s and Gnosticism is the religion I believe in and promote. I am woke.

Stephen Soukup, the author of the book “The Dictatorship of Woke Capitalism," stated that: (1.) The rise of wokeism began at the Frankfurt School in Germany where critical theorists believed solving the world’s problems required a Marxist philosophy. (2.) Their work infiltrated American universities in the 1960s. (3.) Marxism and proto-wokeism’s growing popularity led to the 1960s hippie movement. (4.) Herbert Marcuse highly influenced the hippie movement because he was a world renowned academic scholar who gave the movement intellectual legitimacy.

James Lindsay said Herbert Marcuse was a promoter of “hippie communal communism.” I was of this 1960s hippie communal movement and I am still on a mission to convert my extended material kinship family, the Mr. & Mrs. I. C. Rainbow family, to hippie communitarian kinship tribalism.

Jeffrey B. Satinover (1947) is an American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and physicist. He is an author of books on a number of controversial topics in physics and neuroscience, and on religion, but especially for his writing and public-policy efforts relating to the woke revolution’s promotion of the acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex marriage. He received a diploma in analytical psychology from the C. G. Jung Institute of Zürich, in Küsnacht, Switzerland. Satinover wrote that he believes: (1.) Carl Jung is the Father of Neo-Gnosticism & the New Age Movement. (2.) One of the most powerful modern forms of Gnosticism is without question Jungian psychology. (3.) The innermost circle of all Gnostic systems, is a mystical vision of the union of good and evil.

Karl Marx (1818–1883) was a world renowned philosopher and communist. Marx’s Gnostic philosophy holds that the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the universe. Marx held an ancient [mystical vision] wherein “(1) everything is constantly changing and (2) opposite things are identical, so that (3) everything is and is not at the same time. The first and most foundational law of the universe is the Law of Divine Oneness, which highlights the interconnectedness of all things. You can become the Divine Oneness of the Universe by uniting opposites. This is Gnostic mysticism.

The individual's goal in Gnosticism is to (for some Gnostics) become One with the Divine Oneness of the Universe. and (for other Gnostics) the goal is to, first, become One with the Divine Oneness of the Universe and then, ultimately, go spiritually through It and beyond, to become One with the Infinite Divine Principle of Existence Itself.

From a religious perspective, the Divine Oneness of the Universe is the “only begotten Son of God.” who we can become One with, and then go through -- through Jesus/Krishna/Buddha as the Divine Oneness of the Universe -- to get to, and become One with, the transcendent, beyond the Universe, “God the Father”.

The Divine Oneness of the Universe is the Universe seen as an essentially undifferentiated mass of light-permeated by the World Soul, or the “Son of God.” The Christian’s “God the Father” is our Unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father-Mother beyond creation.

Gnostics believe Yahweh's U.S. Christians are primarily responsible for America's evil history and current mainstream culture being so radically corrupt. Therefore Gnostics, instead of trying directly to convert the masses of the U.S. Christians of the mainstream culture -- who are addicted to their religion -- to Gnosticism, the aim of Gnostic communists or woke is to expose the evil history of America and its current mainstream capitalist culture for how evil it really is. And by doing so, help the masses of Christians in this nation to understand that Yahweh is primarily responsible for all this evil discovered by way of woke's critical theory, critical race theory, critical queer theory, etc. and then, after they are aware of this truth, evanglize them to Gnostic communism.

According to woke Gnostics, our souls were created before the world came into existence and they are ultimately genderless, but when they are in the realm of form they identify, when in a state of enlightenment, with being non-binary. According to Carl Jung, Gnostics join opposites, male and female become male-female. And when our souls go beyond form they become genderless. For Gnostics, there is a rejection of the natural law and the god who created it. It is about transhumanism. Gnostics become the God they worship. God is man's highest State of Consciousness.

I believe in the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. I am promoting my own Gnostic (New Age Theosophy) communist (hippie kinship tribal communitarian) globalist mission from Wahkon, Minnesota U.S.A..


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