Teilhard De Chardin and the Religion of the United Nations
by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer
In a recent video title The Occult Theosophy of the United Nations Dr. James A.
Lindsay, an American bestselling author and internationally recognized speaker who is perhaps the world's most renowned opponent of woke, announces and explains his mission to stop the Gnostic Theosophical Movement of the United Nations from taking over our nation and the entire world. An article of mine about this video is titled The Gnostic Theosophical Movement of the United Nations." Another Lindsay video about this topic is titled Teilhard De Chardin and the Religion of Progress." This article is about this Lindsay video.
Lindsay starts the video by saying: "We are going to get back into the mystic stuff, the creepy weird United Nations stuff. Lindsay says: "We heard this first in my two previous videos about this topic. It literally came from Robert Muller." The late Dr. Muller was widely known as the "prophet of hope" and "philosopher" of the United Nations. Lindsay says what we discovered in those two videos is that the United Nations is based on Theosophical cult religions. They are esoteric religions or occult religions. You can call it New Age or New Thought or Theosophy or you can call it Gnosticism or Hermeticism or a mixture of these. Lindsay says he calls it Theosophy. Lindsay sometimes calls it Gnostic Theosophy. He has also called it a Theosophical movement.
The late Alice Bailey was a renowned theosophist who influenced the corridors of power in the United Nations and she was a disciple of Helena Blavatsky, founder of the New Age Movement. UN global ethicists are following Bailey and Blavatsky. Blavatsky said she wished to revive Second—and Third—Century theosophy, which aimed "to reconcile all religions, sects and nations under a common system of ethics" and "to induce [religions] to lay aside their strifes, remembering only that they [all possessed] the same truth or "ancient wisdom."
Mrs. Bailey also wished to "reconcile all religions" and in so doing establish the "Church Universal." She said in 1919 that the "Church Universal", a union of occultism, Masonry and Christianity, "will appear towards the close of the 20th century". Some scholars believe that the establishment of the UN affiliated, United Religions Organization fulfilled this prophecy of hers.
Lindsay says what we see is that the United Nations is very heavily invested in these esoteric philosophies whether it is Alice Bailey's philosophy or whether it is Robert Muller's philosophy or whether it is Pierre Teilhard De Chardin's philosophy. Teilhard is this character for the weird Theosophical transformational cult that kind of has been this leftist thought for the last 100 years, whether it's progressive European thought or Marxism, the hard line version. By the time you get to the corporate woke sort of thing or communo fascism or neoliberal communism or corporate communism or woke corporate communism you start to heavily see the influence of the New Age thought which was of course mainlined, as I have previously mentioned in my videos about Robert Muller, by Oprah Winfrey through this kind of broad hippie movement that kind of poses as Christianity.
Lindsay says by the way "Christ Consciousness" would be a concept of this weird occult esoteric religion. The goal of Christianity is not to attain Christ Consciousness which is to say you become Christ yourself. It is like using Christian language to describe a Buddhist or esoteric concept. Lindsay says Teilhard claimed to be a Catholic. Teilhard was a Catholic priest and he was also a renowned scientist. Lindsay said Teilhard was an evolutionary thinker which is incredibly important to the weird United Nations' religion. And he is the guiding light philosopher of this weird theosophical cult in the United Nations. He believed in the Omega (End) where mankind would eventually advance spiritually and merge with God.
Lindsay says Teilhard believed in the weird Theosophical New Thought Religion. And that the United Nations' program is based on New Thought. Lindsay also said: This theosophical faith that they believe in, although it is in very Catholic form, being pushed into a Jesuit Catholic mode, is expressed most clearly by Teilhard de Chardin. Lindsay says Teilhard believed "it does not matter what religion, it does not matter what background you have. People are coming together in theosophy, the world's one true religion." Robert Muller, a theosophist, also claimed to be a Catholic. Evidently Teilhard and Muller were Catholic theosophists.
Lindsay says Teilhard believed nature is the equivalent of becoming. Teilhard believed in the Hermetic metaphysics that nature is in process of becoming. And that it is in this "process" because human thought is advancing. We are moving toward understanding everything, that is to say, of God.
Lindsay says Teilhard believed nature is the equivalent of becoming self-creation. And Teilhard said evolution is not only occurring in the physical realm but it is also occurring in the spiritual realm. We are advancing toward a spiritual Point. Evolution, for Teilhard, is mostly about the human soul advancing toward a spiritual Point. The goal is to reject natural selection and seize the reins of evolution itself through cooperation not competition. Teilhard believed we need to also seize the reins of the spiritual evolution of mankind. There is this abstract sphere of the mind. Teilhard called it the neosphere.
Lindsay says Teilhard and Marx both believed in the spiritual evolution of man. Marx believed it ends at socialism, that man is essentially a social being. Teilhard believed that there are spiritual realms for our souls that are higher than the human level and that we are spiritually evolving to those realms. And that consciousness is what characterizes man above animals. Lindsay says this is the Hermetic belief system.
Lindsay says the United Nations, Teilhard and Marx all have this idea that man is evolving spiritually and that it will end in a global community, as Robert Muller put it "a global metaorganism." Telecommunications and now social media and the internet are speeding this spiritual evolution up. So now we can operate as networked minds. This is going to actually unify humanity into a single metaorganism. We are going to be one giant global community operating with One Mind. This is the "Omega Point." It is a NEW GENESIS, the creation of a new species.
Teilhard believed that when thought entered the world evolution stopped. And he also believed that human beings are not the act of a special creation. He said humans are part of the purpose of the evolution of the world. Lindsay says the Hermetic belief is that human beings are the lowest possible part of God's creation that can think. Thus we are the ones with the task of teasing apart the mysteries or the false distinctions and the contradictions of this fallen material world, so we, all of us with One Mind, can comprehend the totality of God. Then God awakens and realizes it too." Lindsay does not know what the New Age Theosophical cults of the United Nations believe.
Theosophy is derived primarily from the writings of Helena Blavatsky and she is the mother of the New Age Movement. Mahatma Gandhi said "H. P. Blavatsky's Theosophy was Hinduism at its best." Paramahansa Yogananda, the father of Yoga (Hinduism) in the West, wrote: "The word 'God' means the manifested, transcendental Being beyond creation, but existing in relation to creation. Spirit existed before God. God is the Creator of the universe, but Spirit is the Creator of God."
Here's what Lindsay does not know or understand. An emanated part of Spirit disobeyed Spirit and thus lost its divine consciousness. We are in the evolutionary process of helping the emanated God regain its divine consciousness. The material world is an outward manifestation of this corrupted and fallen emanated "God." In other words, the material universe was created by this corrupted and less than divine "God," or by this temporarily emanated or separated and later corrupted part of God Almighty or Spirit.
Helena Blavatsky wrote in THE SECRET DOCTRINE Vol. 1, Page 274: The Universe is called, with everything in it, Maya [a Hindu word], because all is temporary therein, from the ephemeral life of a fire-fly to that of the Sun. Compared to the eternal immutability of the One. Paramahansa Yogananda wrote: Spirit [the eternal immutable One] is not the universe; Spirit is that which was and will be whether the universe does or does not exist.
Yogananda taught that we are Spirit but most of us do not have experiential awareness of this. Becoming aware that we are Spirit is the ultimate goal. Einstein said "there is no matter." The universe is essentially an undifferentiated mass of light. This is the divine manifestation of the Universe. By becoming One with the divine manifestation of the Universe we will experience a divine state of consciousness. Teilhard wrote: I can be saved only by becoming one with the universe. Lindsay wrongly believes and says this is the ultimate goal of the New Age "Theosophical cults" of the United Nations.
Yogananda's guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar, wrote: 'Jesus meant, never that he was the sole Son of God, but that no man can attain the unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond creation, until he has first manifested the 'Son' or activating Christ Consciousness within creation." All men have to first become One with the Christ Consciousness within creation, or become One with the divine manifestation of the Universe, before he/she can go through It to attain the unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father/Spirit beyond creation.
Two pontifical councils wrote and published a joint document about the New Age and they, like Lindsay, got it wrong. They wrote:
New Age has a marked preference for Eastern or pre-Christian religions, which are reckoned to be uncontaminated by Judeo-Christian distortions. Hence great respect is given to ancient agricultural rites and to fertility cults. "Gaia", Mother Earth, is offered as an alternative to God the Father, whose image is seen to be linked to a patriarchal conception of male domination of women. There is talk of God, but it is not a personal God; the God of which New Age speaks is neither personal nor transcendent. Nor is it the Creator and sustainer of the universe, but an "impersonal energy" immanent in the world, with which it forms a "cosmic unity": "All is one". This unity is monistic, pantheistic or, more precisely, panentheistic. God is the "life-principle", the "spirit or soul of the world", the sum total of consciousness existing in the world. In a sense, everything is God. God's presence is clearest in the spiritual aspects of reality, so every mind/spirit is, in some sense, God."
The Pontifical Councils and Lindsay do not know that the New Age believes Spirit created God. For them there is only God. And not One Almighty God who is temporarily emanating a lesser God. The Christian's God is personal and transcendent. The New Age Almighty God (Spirit) is impersonal and transcendent. Helena Blavatsky said if you pray to this impersonal God/Spirit pray to It as Mother and not Father. Gaia, Mother Earth, is not offered by the New Age as an alternative to God the Father. Mother Earth is immanent and God the Father is transcendent.
For the New Age there is God Almighty (Spirit) and there is an emanated part of It/"Her" that has an impersonal divine manifestation. It is the Universe manifesting in Its "cosmic unity": "All is one." It is the Universe manifesting as essentially an undifferentiated mass of light. And there is also a less-than-divine emanated part of the New Age God or Spirit. It is "the spirit or soul of the world" manifesting in the material world, in the physical universe, in illusionary matter.
Teilhard believed that as humanity as a whole, collective humanity, learns more and more about reality on its evolutionary journey, what we find at the end of the road of progress is God. Because of Teilhard's Catholic belief in the Communion of the Saints he concluded that this evolving progress of humanity includes the living and the dead working together and at the end of the road of progress everyone will be reconciled and supportive of one another. This is the religion of progress.
Teilhard said creation is on the move, but we are still incapable of expressing all the natural grandeur of the human mission. Vistas such as these, I know, do not appear to come within the Christian perspective. Teilhard also said those who look critically at this tend to believe these vistas are heralding the appearance of a religion destined to supplant all other creeds. Teilhard said I believe that the eager multitude crying out today for guidance is in search of any other Shepherd than He who has already brought it bread. Lindsay says this statement by Teilhard sets up Christ to lead Christians and others to progress to this religion that will supplant all other creeds.
Lindsay says this is the ambition for a one-world religion, called Progressivism or Progress. Teilhard said neither we nor our adversaries have sufficiently measured the powers of growth in which Jesus Christ endowed his church. Teilhard calls humanity to advance in unity. And Lindsay says this is a commandment of God in the new religion. Teilhard says the coming together of the intellectual world from the four corners of the world of a great mass of naturally religious people in interfaith gatherings to help solve global problems and unite humanity should not attempt to build a New Temple on the ruins of all others, but lay new foundations (theosophical foundations) upon which the old church will gradually be moved.
During a September 13, 2024 interfaith gathering Pope Francis laid some of these "new foundations". He told the participants at the gathering that "all religions are paths that arrive at God." ... “There is only one God, and religions are like languages, paths to reach God. Some Sikh, some Muslim, some Hindu, some Christian.” ... “If you start to fight, ‘my religion is more important than yours, mine is true and yours isn’t’, where will that lead us?” he asked aloud.
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