Teilhard De Chardin and the Religion of the United Nations
by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer In a recent video title The Occult Theosophy of the United Nations Dr. James A. Lindsay, an American bestselling author and internationally recognized speaker who is perhaps the world's most renowned opponent of woke, announces and explains his mission to stop the Gnostic Theosophical Movement of the United Nations from taking over our nation and the entire world. An article of mine about this video is titled The Gnostic Theosophical Movement of the United Nations ." Another Lindsay video about this topic is titled Teilhard De Chardin and the Religion of Progress ." This article is about this Lindsay video. Lindsay starts the video by saying: "We are going to get back into the mystic stuff, the creepy weird United Nations stuff. Lindsay says: "We heard this first in my two previous videos about this topic. It literally came from Robert Muller." The late Dr. Muller was widely known as the "prophet of hope...