Establishing The New World Order Headquarters In Wahkon, Minnesota U.S.A.

by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer


Ralph Martin is president of Renewal Ministries and the host of The Choices We Face, a weekly Catholic television and radio program distributed throughout the world. Pope Benedict XVI named him consultant to the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization. Mr. Martin said in a recent Youtube video that he is concerned that the Church is being lured to accept a "false Jesus" who will be used as "almost the chaplain of the United Nations or chaplain to the Global Reset" by the global elite, who have an agenda to establish the "ultimate religion and ultimate world view." This "ultimate religion" has also been called the "new universal religion," wherein all of humanity will supposedly be united.

I believe that the modern-day visionaries and prophets of the hippie counterculture and spiritual revolution of the 1960s will establish the theology and doctrines of the new universal religion. I also believe that the headquarters of this new universal religion or one world religion will be located in Wahkon, Minnesota, where I live and where one of the leaders of the late 1960s, San Francisco Bay Area, hippie counterculture community, [Richard H. Carter], traveled to on a glorious mission to usher in the New Age of the New World Order.

Richard Carter

In the late 1960s, Richard Carter often attended Stephen Gaskin's Monday Night Class at the Family Dog Ballroom in San Francisco, California. Around 1500 hippies participated in the class. At that time, Carter met and spoke with Gaskin a few times. Several years ago a letter of mine to Gaskin's hippie community, a community located in a rural area of Tennessee and called "The Farm," was published in the community's newsletter. The letter states that when Gaskin's hippie community was forming in the San Francisco Bay Area...Richard Carter, his wife (Lois) and I were beginning to get a commune together to leave the Bay Area and move to a rural area. And that, at that time, we traveled to the town of Wahkon, located in a rural area of Minnesota, where we, for a while, pursued the goals of our countercultural mission. The letter also states that I believed that, in due time, Richard, Lois and I would be together again in Wahkon pursuing the same countercultural goals, and eventually be successful at accomplishing our countercultural goals.

Several years ago, Richard Carter began corresponding with me and he has given me some assistance with my mission. He has indicated that he now supports my indigenous peoples' rights advocacy work and related hippie countercultural, Rainbow family mission. My Rainbow family mission consists of me working to evangelize my large extended maternal family [the Mr. & Mrs. I. C. Rainbow Family] to a kinship tribal ecovillage lifestyle in Wahkon, Minnesota.

  Richard Carter is an environmentalist who was the Governor of Arizona's Environmental Delegate to both the U.S./Mexico Border Governors and Mayors Conferences for five consecutive years and Co-Chairman of the Arizona Environmental Technology Industry Cluster.

Albert Bates

Albert Bates is an internationally renowned hippie icon, a member of "The Farm" and one of the global elite. We occasionally correspond and he has given his support for my work.  Albert has United Nations general consultative status through DPI-NGO/ECOSOC.  He has taught appropriate technology, natural building and permaculture to students from more than sixty nations. He is a co-founder and past president of the Global Ecovillage Network. He is presently GEN’s representative to the UN climate talks.


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